Job Board

Current Job Opportunities

Important notice

Jobseekers should be aware that this job board operates as a venue only and does not introduce or supply jobseekers to recruiters.

This means that we do not:

  1. verify the identity of a jobseeker or their prerequisite experience, training, qualifications or authorisation to work in the position to be filled or that they wish to undertake the role to be filled.
  1. Take measures to ensure the jobseeker are aware of any requirement imposed by law or otherwise which must be satisfied by either of them to permit the jobseeker to fulfil the position to be filled.
  1. take any steps to ensure that it would not be detrimental to the interests of the jobseeker to fulfil the position to be fulfilled.
  1. give any indication to recruiters whether jobseekers are unsuitable for any position to be filled in any circumstances.
  1. propose jobseekers to recruiters or provide any information about them. 6. take up any references in relation to a jobseeker; or, make any arrangements for accommodation of jobseekers.

Since we are only a venue and do not propose or introduce jobseekers to recruiters or vice versa, it is recommended that, if you are a jobseeker, you undertake the steps set out in the Regulations to ensure your suitability for the role advertised